[Mesa-users] A query regarding re-running mesa binary from intermediate steps

Pulkit Ojha pulkit.ojha at niser.ac.in
Thu Feb 9 18:34:50 UTC 2023

Dear Evan,

Here, I'm attaching my terminal output as a text file in which I've set
"max_model_number = 1" in the inlist1 file and then restarted it after step
manually by typing "./re" .  Please notice the difference in the output of
binary in the 42nd step.
For several times, this has been printed
"check jdot_scale           1   1.0000000000000000
 turn on magnetic braking for star            1"
Then, the binary output starts with model number 1.

Also, I was wondering, can you let me know if there is any other way of
stopping MESA Binary at the end of every step and then restarting it from
that step?


On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 11:21 PM Pulkit Ojha <pulkit.ojha at niser.ac.in> wrote:

> Thank you very much for your reply.
> I'm attaching my inlist files here(as a zip file), including
> run_binary_extras. This setup has been previously used to verify
> published results, therefore I don't think any problem should arise due to
> the binary setup.
> In this case, I've tried to use "max_model_number" in my inlist1 file to
> stop MESA at some intermediate step and restart it from there. I was using
> a Python for Loop to stop MESA at every step by setting "max_model_number =
> 1" and restarting it using "./re". But the binary module used to start from
> 1 after 42 steps whereas the star module continued to evolve. I did it
> manually(without python, in terminal) for 42 steps and faced the same
> problem, during which I also observed that the physical parameters being
> calculated (for step >= 30) in this way are different from those calculated
> without any intermediate stop.
> I'm also sharing my Python notebook which can be useful to you, where you
> can find the first issue in the output of the notebook.
> Truly
> Pulkit
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 10:46 PM Evan Bauer <evan.bauer.astro at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Pulkit,
>> This does sound like a problem, but it's not immediately obvious what the
>> source of the issue is. Could you share some more details to help us
>> diagnose the issue? E.g. a minimal binary work directory setup that
>> reproduces the issue, and some plots that show what ends up being different
>> about the evolution.
>> Cheers,
>> Evan
>> On Feb 4, 2023, at 1:11 PM, Pulkit Ojha via Mesa-users <
>> mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org> wrote:
>> Dear MESA users,
>> I'm working with MESA binary (evolving a donor star with a point mass)
>> and currently I have to stop MESA binary at intermediate steps using the
>> "max_model_number" option for the donor star and then restart it again from
>> that step only using "./re'. If I do it repeatedly for 30 steps (stopping
>> and restarting at every step), then the calculated binary parameters turn
>> out to be *different* as compared to the case when MESA has run without
>> stopping at intermediate steps.
>> Also, the binary module re-starts from steps 1 after 41 steps whereas the
>> donor star keeps on evolving.
>> Any possible suggestions why is this happening and how can this be
>> avoided? Such as anything about the "./re" option I might have been
>> missing.
>> Yours Truly
>> Pulkit
>> --
>> Pulkit Ojha
>> 5th Year Integrated MSc.,
>> School of Physical Sciences,
>> National Institute of Science Education and Research
>> <https://www.niser.ac.in/>
>> Bhubaneswar, INDIA
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> --
> Pulkit Ojha
> 5th Year Integrated MSc.,
> School of Physical Sciences,
> National Institute of Science Education and Research
> <https://www.niser.ac.in/>
> Bhubaneswar, INDIA

Pulkit Ojha
5th Year Integrated MSc.,
School of Physical Sciences,
National Institute of Science Education and Research
Bhubaneswar, INDIA
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