[Mesa-users] Help regarding NuDocker and mesa old version

ABHIJNAN KAR 20064 abhijnank20 at iiserbpr.ac.in
Fri Aug 19 11:24:28 UTC 2022

Hi Mesa Users,
I am running a mesa old version of r9575 and I have to reproduce the results of a paper.I have successfully installed NuDocker.I have to run the inlists in test_suite of binary module using NuDocker.So, the problem i am encountering is that during ./mk command in test_suite of binary module in mesa-r9575 it is showing error as follows:
gfortran -Wno-uninitialized -fno-range-check -fmax-errors=12  -fprotect-parens -fno-sign-zero -fbacktrace -ggdb -finit-real=snan -fopenmp -fbounds-check -Wuninitialized -Warray-bounds  -ffree-form -x f95-cpp-input -I../../../../include  -c ../src/run_star_extras.f

       use star_lib
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'star_lib.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
../../../../binary/work_standard_makefile_binary:33: recipe for target 'run_star_extras.o' failed
make: *** [run_star_extras.o] Error 1

What to do next?
Abhijnan Kar(He/his/him)
BS-MS,IISER Berhampur

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