[Mesa-users] compounding offset error with MESA and .gyre output

Meridith Joyce Meridith.Joyce at anu.edu.au
Thu Feb 28 01:17:55 EST 2019

Hi All,
Bit of an oddly specific question here:

I'm stopping and starting MESA on very short time intervals (on the order of half a year, in some cases) and generating GYRE profiles at each of those times.

Proceeding chronologically, for the first 5 or so such .gyre models out of a set of, say, 20, the stellar radius at the appropriate value of t in MESA's history file, say R(t), is in near exact agreement with the radius passed to the .gyre file.
With increasing evolutionary time, however, an offset between R(t) in the history file and the radius given to .gyre (say R_gyre) emerges. The discrepancy between R(t) and R_gyre worsens the more .gyre models I try to produce from a single run of ./star.

All of the .gyre files in a set are generated from a single evolutionary run---though that run may proceed discontinuously---using the same inlist and controls. I've attached one of my inlists for example.

My instinct is that this is due to some quirk or error which iteratively compounds a loss of precision or numerical misalignment each time I stop and restart the models. The attached figures perhaps demonstrate my problem more clearly.

Has anyone encountered this before or know a way around it?

Thank you,

Dr. Meridith Joyce
PhD, Dartmouth College & SAAO
RSAA Postdoctoral Fellow
Australian National University

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