[Mesa-users] New to MESA and a question

Aaron Dotter aaron.dotter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 13:04:49 EST 2019

Hello Daniel,

I'm one of the authors of the Torres et al. paper on Capella and I am
responsible for the MESA results included in that paper.

Setting overshoot_f0 = 0.05 is just an example in controls.defaults.  If
you want a total of 0.02, you could try say f=0.03 and f0=0.01.

f0 is the depth *within* the convection zone (in pressure scale heights)
that overshoot begins and f is *the extent from that point toward the
convective boundary*.  Always in terms of the exponential decay formalism.

But now my star it to old, to much mixing.

This statement is not enough information for me to say anything useful.  If
you can explain in more detail what result you have obtained and what
result you were expecting, perhaps I can be of more help.

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