[Mesa-users] using an index I found in another array
Rob Farmer
r.j.farmer at uva.nl
Fri Feb 23 09:42:41 EST 2018
You could just use:
m_50_new= s% m(loc)
to get the mass at the zone given by loc
if(avg_charge_H(j) .eq. 0.5d0) then
end if
You can't guarantee that any zone will have exactly avg_charge_H=0.5,
better to have something like
do j=1, s% nz
end do
loc =minloc(abs(avg_charge_H-0.5d0))
to find the nearest point to 0.5d0
On 23 February 2018 at 15:25, aldanag--- via Mesa-users <
mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to inject energy to a star using the following subroutine I
> added to the run.star.extras:
> subroutine energy_routine(id, ierr)
> use const_def, only: Rsun
> integer, intent(in) :: id
> integer, intent(out) :: ierr
> type (star_info), pointer :: s
> integer :: k
> integer :: j
> real(dp),allocatable,dimension(:) :: avg_charge_H
> real(dp), pointer :: m_old(:)
> real(dp) :: A
> integer :: loc
> real(dp) :: m_50_new
> real(dp) :: m_50_old
> real(dp) :: delta_m
> real(dp) :: E_recomb
> ierr=0
> call star_ptr(id, s, ierr)
> if (ierr /= 0) return
> if (s% star_age > 1.2275500000700004d9 .and. s% star_age <
> 1.2275500017700004d9) then
> allocate(avg_charge_H(1:s%nz))
> do j=1, s% nz
> avg_charge_H(j)=star_get_profile_output(s,'avg_charge_H',j)
> if(avg_charge_H(j) .eq. 0.5d0) then
> loc=j
> exit
> end if
> end do
> do k = 1, s% nz
> avg_charge_H(k)=star_get_profile_output(s,'avg_charge_H',k)
> if (avg_charge_H(k) > 0.1d0 .and. avg_charge_H(k) < 0.9d0) then
> allocate(m_old(1:s%nz))
> m_old(k) = s% M_center_old + s% q_old(k)*s% xmstar_old !gr
> m_50_new= s% m(k .eq. loc) *!s% m(loc) *
> !m_50_old= m_old(loc)
> delta_m= m_50_old - m_50_new
> A= 1.3d13 !13.6 ev/hydrogen mass where the energy in erg/gr
> E_recomb= s% X(loc)*delta_m*A !erg
> s% extra_heat(k) = E_recomb/ s% nz !erg/g/s
> end if
> end do
> end if
> end subroutine energy_routine
> yet the run won't compile. The error displayed on the screen is:
> m_50_new= s% m(k .eq. loc) !s% m(loc)
> 1
> *Error*: Array index at (1) must be of INTEGER type, found LOGICAL
> I also tried adding the line in bold instead of what I wrote for m_50_new,
> in this case the run compiles yet I get the run time error:
> *Fortran runtime error*: Index '-861944544' of dimension 1 of array 's%m'
> below lower bound of 1
> So I suppose m_50_new is filled with junk instead of the value of m in the
> index of loc.
> Is there any way to convert the logical type into integer, so I could use
> the mass in which avg_charge_H = 0.5 (the mass in the index loc)?
> if not, is there an alternative way (maybe a built in function) in order
> to find the index where avg_charge_H = 0.5 and use the mass of that index
> in the subroutine?
> Thank in advance,
> Aldana.
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