[Mesa-users] custom rates

amber lauer amber.lauer at tunl.duke.edu
Thu Feb 15 14:38:20 EST 2018

Do you mean a standalone file called "o.bin" or that all the files should
be called "<rate_name>0.bin" ? All the files are presently named
"<rate_name>1.bin" so I assume that means they are the normal rates.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Rob Farmer <r.j.farmer at uva.nl> wrote:

> Hi Amber
> One way to check things to delete all the rates from the cache folder then
> run mesa, then check what rates got written to the folder. If it has a
> 0.bin then its a custom rate, a 1.bin or 2.bin means its still using the
> normal mesa rates.
> Rob
> On 15 February 2018 at 19:58, Evan Bauer <ebauer at physics.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Amber,
>> There’s a handy executable in the rates/test directory called show_rates
>> that will process those binary files you’re seeing into plain text columns
>> that you can read. Just give it the binary file as an argument and it will
>> spit out two columns: the temperature in units of 10^8 K, and the rate.
>> Cheers,
>> Evan
>> On Feb 15, 2018, at 10:48 AM, amber lauer via Mesa-users <
>> mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org> wrote:
>> Hello friends. I am working on a model that uses custom reaction rates
>> for many important reactions, though not all. As such I have specified the
>> rate_tables and cache folder in my inlist, with the former including all
>> the rate files and the rate_list.txt file.  This has presented a few
>> difficulties, and led to the following questions:
>> How can I confirm that the model is using the rates I provide? Upon
>> inspecting the cache folder I see that it is converting these files to
>> .bin. What format is that, other than binary? Is there a way to see the
>> contents?
>> ​For weak rates, I see that according to  file in the method is similar
>> to the combination of rate_list.txt and rate files, but the weak rate files
>> are expected to be in hdf5(hdfs?) rather than .txt format?
>> ​Also for weak rates, I see that there is also the file ​weak_info.list
>> which contains slightly different info, the half life and the quantity Qneu
>> (the neutrino energy?). Can someone talk about the difference between that
>> file (other than the obvious) and the weak rates tables (similar in format
>> to weakreactions.tables)? Also, the info in weakreactions.tables appears to
>> conform to the same data set as described in weak_rate_list.txt, but is
>> not, to my knowledge, in hdf5 format.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Amber Lauer
>> Postdoctoral Researcher
>> Triangle University Nuclear Lab
>> Duke University
>> amber.lauer at tunl.duke.edu <amber.lauer at duke.edu>
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Amber Lauer
Postdoctoral Researcher
Triangle University Nuclear Lab
Duke University
amber.lauer at tunl.duke.edu <amber.lauer at duke.edu>
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