[Mesa-users] Postdoc position working on MESA & GYRE at University of Wisconsin-Madison

RICHARD H D TOWNSEND townsend at astro.wisc.edu
Thu Feb 15 14:24:24 EST 2018

Hi folks —

I’m looking to recruit a postdoc to join my Massive Stars group here at UW-Madison, and work on/with MESA and the GYRE oscillation code. The position will entail a mix of theoretical work, code development, and practical application of MESA and GYRE to a range of interesting scientific problems (e.g., convection+pulsation; mapping instability strips; dynamical tides; and anything else that takes our fancy). There will be significant opportunities for collaboration with other MESA developers at the University of California Santa Barbara (the MESA mothership), Arizona State University and other institutions involved in the MESA project.

Funding to support this position comes from an NSF "Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation“ program grant. The position is for an initial 2 years, with a further year depending on performance.

The start date is flexible, but ideally no later than September 2017.

Please let me know if you’re interested, by sending me a recent CV plus a list of three references. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, until the position is filled.

Best wishes,


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