[Mesa-users] Modify radiative temperature gradient "gradr"

Francis Timmes fxt44 at mac.com
Thu Feb 8 13:56:09 EST 2018

> can this be done in run_star_extras.f?


the star_info structure contains the stellar model and the 
components are listed in the file $MESA_DIR/star/public/star_data.inc ,
which includes gradr. do read the header of this file where its pointed
out that gradr is defined at cell boundaries and depend on its neighbors.

$MESA_DIR/star/other/other_mlt.f90 contains the hook for the physics or numerics 
that you might want to alter. 

if any of this is mysterious, see josiah schwab's excellent 2017 mesa summer school
material on "beyond inlists", http://cococubed.asu.edu/mesa_market/education.html


> On Feb 8, 2018, at 4:23 AM, Yixiao Zhou via Mesa-users <mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org> wrote:
> Dear MESA users,
> I'm looking for a method to adjust the "gradr" value in every step:
> gradr_new = gradr_MESA * f_corr,
> where the "correction function" f_corr depends on radius.
> This modification should be done before MESA enters into MLT section so that I can determine convective boundaries and other convective-related quantities using the new gradr data:
> Step (i) begin ... --> MESA calculate gradr --> modify gradr --> use the new value for MLT part --> ... step (i) end goto step (i+1)
> I am wondering if there is a way to achieve this without changing the source code? For example, can this be done in run_star_extras.f?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Yixiao Zhou
> PhD student
> Australian National University
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