[Mesa-users] Fail to install MESA
Rob Farmer
r.j.farmer at uva.nl
Mon Feb 5 11:13:04 EST 2018
When you say it failed during the run, was that with the same error message
as you had during the build? and again when turning on pgplot was it the
same error message?
Although the build worked, could you still try these commands please and
send the output
cd $MESA_DIR/eos/test
rm -rf $MESA_DIR/data/eos*/cache/* .mesa_temp_cache
./tester | tee run.log
>even though the pgstar flag is true in the inlist_project,
Did you have the appropriate _win_flag also set to true? and if you using
more than one inlist do any of them have pgstar flag set in them?
On 5 February 2018 at 17:06, Athanasiadou, S. (Sofia) <
S.Athanasiadou at student.ru.nl> wrote:
> Hi!
> Funny thing is that I did what you said, the build was successful, MESA
> was installed, but yet again when I tried to run a model it failed. The
> most bizarre is that the first time it ran but without showing any plots,
> even though the pgstar flag is true in the inlist_project, and then when I
> set the file flag true the error appeared!!!!
> ________________________________________
> From: Rob Farmer [r.j.farmer at uva.nl]
> Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2018 5:53 PM
> Cc: Athanasiadou, S. (Sofia); mesa-users
> Subject: Re: [Mesa-users] Fail to install MESA
> Hi
> To help debug this can you do the following:
> Download this file and put it in $MESA_DIR/utils (to over write the
> existing file)
> cd $MESA_DIR
> ./clean
> ./mk
> When the build fails:
> cd $MESA_DIR/eos/test
> rm $MESA_DIR/data/eos*/cache/*
> ./mk
> ./tester | tee run.log
> And send the run.log file that gets made
> Thanks
> Rob
> On 4 February 2018 at 12:04, Josiah Schwab via Mesa-users <
> mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org<mailto:mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org>>
> wrote:
> Hi Sofia,
> Off the top of my head, I'm not sure what is happening. At least one
> other person seems to have had the same problem about a month ago, but that
> thread doesn't offer a resolution.
> https://lists.mesastar.org/pipermail/mesa-users/2018-January/008485.html
> Josiah
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> mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org
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