[Mesa-users] Model a star in the HR diagram

Warrick Ball wball at bison.ph.bham.ac.uk
Mon Apr 9 10:38:38 EDT 2018

Hi Gon\E7alo,

You only sent the inlist for the astero module, not for MESA star itself 
(i.e. the file with &star_job and &controls).  I can't guarantee that I'm 
running the same thing as you unless you send that inlist too.


Warrick Ball
Postdoc, School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
wball at bison.ph.bham.ac.uk
+44 (0)121 414 4552

On Mon, 9 Apr 2018, gnmandrade at hotmail.com wrote:

> Hi Warrick,
> I had already done that!
> I leave my inlist as an attachment. Thanks for your help!
> Cheers,
> Gon\E7alo Andrade
> ________________________________
> De: Warrick Ball <wball at bison.ph.bham.ac.uk>
> Enviado: 9 de abril de 2018 15:21
> Para: Gon\E7alo Andrade
> Cc: mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org
> Assunto: Re: [Mesa-users] Model a star in the HR diagram
> Hi Gon\E7alo,
> First, make sure that the \chi^2 has no seismic component by setting
> `chi2_seismo_fraction` to 0 in `&astero_search_controls`.
> Second, make sure that you're telling the `astero` module that there
> aren't any frequencies by setting `nl0`, `nl1`, `nl2` and `nl3` all to 0
> (same inlist).  I haven't tested but I suspect that if you won't need this
> after the first step above.
> I'm hoping that resolves your issues.  Please do share your inlists anyway
> though, in case that isn't the solution.  Don't hesitate to include
> inlists with your opening emails.  They're small and it saves us having to
> ask for them, which we probably will!
> Cheers,
> Warrick
> ------------
> Warrick Ball
> Postdoc, School of Physics and Astronomy
> University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
> wball at bison.ph.bham.ac.uk
> +44 (0)121 414 4552
> On Mon, 9 Apr 2018, mesa-users at lists.mesastar.org wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am currently using MESA and I need to make a model of a star as close as possible to a given T_eff and log(L).
>> Up to this moment I have been trying to use the solar_calibration example in the test_suite and the example in the Astero folder that is available inside the star directory, but I have encountered two main problems:
>> 1) I have tried to remove the oscillation computation, since I don't need it and it consumes time, by removing all the frequencies in the file "inlist_astero_search_controls" and by commenting the &mode sections in the gyre.in file but, once the models get close to the expected, it begins calculating the frequencies anyway.
>> 2) Ignoring the frequencies problem, I have managed to make small physics changes I needed and the calibration by simplex still functions perfectly fine. However, the moment I change the target T_eff and log(L) and the starting mass, alpha, etc, the code runs but always says it could not find chi^2 in that run, and does not present the results in the output file.
>> I have even tried doing a single run with a given mass, alpha, etc, and copying the resulting parameters to the target in the "inlist_astero_search_controls" and I still get the same result.
>> Are there any useful commands I might be missing?
>> If needed I can attach the inlists I am using.
>> I grateful for any help you could give.
>> Best regards,
>> Gon\E7alo Andrade

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