[mesa-users] undefined

amber lauer amberlauer at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 22:12:22 EDT 2017

Ok, I'll just switch to your way. I wouldn't have even noticed the
difference except I often get errors when trying to compile using the sdk
compilers and I don't want to go bug hunting to fix that...

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 8:43 PM, Robert Farmer <rjfarmer at asu.edu> wrote:

> Yes it is expected as the SDK ships both gcc and gfortran
> If you don't want it allways on, I use a shell function
> function mesa-setup {
> Export vars and source sdk
> }
> Then when I want the SDK on I call mesa-setup
> Rob
> On Jul 1, 2017 18:38, "amber lauer" <amberlauer at gmail.com> wrote:
> An additional note: the last "export" line is an accidental copy-paste
> error, it doesn't appear in my profile. Also, I've compiled the newest
> version, I just haven't updated this to reflect it.
> On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 8:35 PM, amber lauer <amberlauer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In my user profile settings (.bashrc) I have the following values:
>> # set MESA_DIR to be the directory to which you downloaded MESA
>> export MESA_DIR=/home/amber/executables/mesa8845
>> # set OMP_NUM_THREADS to be the number of cores on your machine
>> export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
>> # you should have done this when you set up the MESA SDK
>> export MESASDK_ROOT=/home/amber/executables/mesasdk_1_16
>> source $MESASDK_ROOT/bin/mesasdk_init.sh
>> export MESASDK_ROOT=/home/amber/executables/mesasdk_1_16
>> ​and when I do
>> ​$ which gcc
>> ​I get
>> $ ~/<mesasdklocation>/​bin/gcc
>> Is this the expected behavior? It's not right? I've actually experienced
>> this for a few years, but it was easy enough to comment out the lines in
>> .bashrc when I wasn't using it so I never bothered to inquire further.
>> --
>> Amber Lauer. M.S. Physics
>> PhD Candidate,
>> Graduate School of Physics,
>> Louisiana State University
> --
> Amber Lauer. M.S. Physics
> PhD Candidate,
> Graduate School of Physics,
> Louisiana State University
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Amber Lauer. M.S. Physics
PhD Candidate,
Graduate School of Physics,
Louisiana State University
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