[mesa-users] ccsn_IIp test_suite problem in new MESA version

Manos Chatzopoulos chatzopoulos at phys.lsu.edu
Thu Feb 23 12:51:35 EST 2017

Dear all,

I am having a lot of fun with the new version of MESA! For starters, I 
was trying to run the test_suite problem ccsn_IIp without any changes, 
and I got it to get through shock_part5 and start making a nice shock 
break-out lightcurve, but then before getting into the shock_part6 I got 
the following error:

  NOTICE: missing kap data ../../../data/kap_data/IIp_d001_z0.002_x0.74.data

  Please check the validity of the kap_prefix string for this file.

  If it is okay, you may need to install new kap data.
  To do that, remove the directory mesa/data/kap_data,
  and rerun the mesa ./install script.

File: ../private/load_kap.f90, Line:  304
DATE: 2017-02-23
TIME: 11:21:59

failed to create shock_part6.mod when running inlist_shock_part6_header

Are opacity data files (I assume taken from SEDONA by reading 
run_star_extras.f) like 'IIp_d001_z0.002_x0.74.data' missing from the 
distribution or am I missing something?

Thank you all,

Dr. Manos Chatzopoulos
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Louisiana State University
Nicholson #275
Office # 225-578-2907
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
United States of America

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