[mesa-users] New public release 9575
Willie Strickland
cwskas at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 11:43:27 EST 2017
Congratulations all, thanks for the hard work.
> On Feb 17, 2017, at 12:38, RICHARD H D TOWNSEND <townsend at astro.wisc.edu> wrote:
> Dear MESA Community,
> It is our great pleasure to announce MESA public release version 9575.
> There are a number of changes we'd like to bring to your attention;
> please see the release notes below.
> Best wishes,
> Rich (on behalf of Rob, Josiah, Evan, Aaron, Frank and Bill)
> MESA 9575 - Release Notes
> =========================
> Opacities
> ---------
> The kap module has been modified to make it easier to incorporate
> alternative opacity tables, while preserving the normal behavior of
> the default tables. The modifications come in 2 basic forms:
> 1) the naming convention for opacity table files has been streamlined
> so that all X and Z values are now consistently written across all
> different types of tables.
> 2) the input X and Z values required by the kap module are no longer
> hard-coded in kap_def; they are now read from a configuration file
> that is (optionally) read at run time. The number of X and Z values
> are set in the file, along with the numbers Xs for each Z, and the
> actual X and Z values. This is accomplished through the star_job
> inlist through 'kappa_config_file'.
> These changes should be completely transparent to users of the
> standard kap tables. No changes have been made to the OP monochromatic
> opacities either.
> For users who update their mesa install through svn, kap_data will
> need to be reinstalled after the update.
> Pulsation
> ---------
> *) Fixed code that adds atmosphere data to pulsation output files (as
> enabled by add_atmosphere_to_pulse_data). Previously, this code only
> worked correctly for the four atmosphere choices that perform a T-Tau
> integration: ‘Eddington_grey’, ‘Krishna_Swamy’, ‘solar_Hopf_grey’ and
> ‘Pacznski_grey’. In other cases, the code silently added on a
> ‘Paczynski_grey’ atmosphere instead of what was requested; typically,
> this led to density/temperature discontinuities at the transition
> between atmosphere and interior. In the fixed code, along with the
> four T-tau cases, the ‘simple_photosphere’ and ‘grey_and_kap’ options
> now function as they should; while the remaining options (e.g.,
> ‘photosphere_tables’) cause MESA to terminate with a message
> indicating that an atmosphere cannot be added.
> *) Fixed the headers written to FGONG- and OSC-format pulsation output
> files; previously, some of the fields (e.g., stellar age) were being
> incorrectly set up.
> *) MESA can now write pulsation output files that include
> composition/density discontinuities (in fact, this capability was
> present in release 8845, but undocumented). When a density
> discontinuity is detected in a model (see below for more details on
> how this is done), and the control flag
> ‘add_double_point_to_pulse_data’ is .TRUE. MESA writes a double point
> to the output file, containing the model values on either side of the
> discontinuity. Double points can easily be recognized in the file
> because they share the same radial (r) and mass (M_r) coordinate
> values. Recent releases of the GYRE pulsation code (5.0 onward)
> correctly treat double points by applying appropriate jump conditions
> in the pulsation equations.
> To control what MESA considers to be a density discontinuity, use the
> ‘threshold_grad_mu_for_double_point’ control. Cell faces where
> |grad_mu| = |d(ln mu)/d(ln P)| rises above this threshold are treated
> as density discontinuities. A typical threshold value might be
> somewhere in the range 1-10. To avoid having *too* many double points
> created, you can set an upper limit on the number using the
> ‘max_number_of_double_points’ control.
> *) MESA by default now uses the ‘wide’ (version >= 1000) format when
> writing FGONG pulsation output files. This format was formalized
> during the 2015 Aarhus RGB Workshop in Birmingham, England.
> *) Some of the pulsation output parameters have been renamed, as
> follows:
> save_pulsation_info_for_model_number -> save_pulse_data_for_model_number
> save_pulsation_info_when_terminate -> save_pulse_data_when_terminate
> save_pulsation_info_filename -> save_pulse_data_filename
> write_pulse_info_with_profile -> write_pulse_data_with_profile
> pulse_info_format -> pulse_data_format
> add_atmosphere_to_pulse_info -> add_atmosphere_to_pulse_data
> add_center_point_to_pulse_info -> add_center_point_to_pulse_data
> keep_surface_point_for_pulse_info -> keep_surface_point_for_pulse_data
> add_double_points_to_pulse_info -> add_double_points_to_pulse_data
> *) Fixed incorrect filename when using write_gyre_for_best_model
> Accretion
> ---------
> Accretion with small timesteps has been improved, using a patch and
> test case provided by Dean Townsley. Here is his commentary:
> "The attached adjust_mass.f90 has some fixes for accretion with small
> timesteps when the mass added in the step is similar to the mass of
> the outer zone. In the current code (I tested 8845), if the material
> being added is not the same abundance as the surface already there,
> the individual species accretion rates are wrong and the profiles get
> messed up as well. See the attached plots of h1 mass and the h1
> profile after about 50 steps into adding mass. The test here is just
> taking the current "wd" accretion test, setting the initial timestep
> so that the initial added mass in a timestep is about half that in the
> outer zone, and changing to helium-rich accreted material, though any
> abundance different from what is already there will do. Updates to
> adjust_mass.f90 seem to fix things.
> The main issues were:
> - dm(k) was being used after revise_q_and_dq() was called but was not
> actually updated. it is now updated with the dq's.
> - the renorming of the dq's after the constant dm / constant dq
> boundary determination was done in a way that suffered from
> truncation problems when the the constant dq region is small. This
> caused the mass added in various species to be off (too small). As
> you can see in the plots, the H mass could actually decrease even
> when accreting material with H in it!
> - there was some code in there that seemed to be trying to fix this by
> rescaling abundances to match expectations in layers near the
> surface, but due to the need to keep abundances to sum to 1 and the
> fact that all the accreted masses were off in the same direction,
> this distorted the abundance profile instead of fixing the
> problem. (see the second set of plots) I have disabled this code now
> that the underlying problem appears to be fixed.
> - there was a minor error in the way the abundance was computed for
> partially accreted cells. This doesn't seem to have been having a
> major impact.
> In fixing the second of these issues related to truncation, I
> refactored the revise_q_and_dq() to work in 1-q instead of q
> coordinates to reduce truncation issues. The logic is otherwise the
> same, just with 1-q as the coordinate.
> I have also included a new test suite test to check for these issues.
> This test reports failure for the current release (8845) but success
> with the adjust_mass.f90 changes attached here. While this test could
> be done at the start of the "wd" test, starting from small timesteps
> takes around 1200 steps which is a fair bit more than the current "wd"
> test, which takes around 400. Also it's a bit more clear to just test
> it separately."
> Miscellaneous
> -------------
> *) Added new pgstar plot production_plots which show the relative
> change in the abundances against the initial composition.
> *) pgstar plots can now be used while mesa is using one of the relax
> routines to "relax" the model to a new state.
> *) makefiles will now warn the user if $MESA_DIR variable is not set,
> or if using the SDK makefile (the default) if the SDK has not been
> initialized.
> *) Cache files will now be written to the current working directory
> before being moved to the $MESA_DIR/data folder. This will stop
> multiple mesa runs, running simultaneously, from over writing the
> cache files leaving them in a inconsistent state. This should help
> those running MESA on clusters or otherwise running more than 1 mesa
> job at a time.
> *) A new file $MESA_DIR/star/defaults/env_vars.list has been added
> which describes the environment variables MESA uses as well as few
> miscellaneous options.
> *) fixed a bug in the color code that prevents the use of more than
> one bolometric correction file. In previous versions of MESA, when
> using bc’s from a second or subsequent file, the wrong column is
> returned.
> *) Add test_suite case (custom_rate_c14ago18) exercising custom
> rate. This test case provides an example of how to set up and use one
> of your own reaction rates in MESA. Physically, it is a WD slowly
> accreting He (with some N14, which has electron-captured to C14 at
> the base of the He layer). It illustrates the effect of the
> c14(a,g)o18 rate on the ignition of the He. The custom rate is that
> from Hashimoto et al. (1986) and is compared to the default "reaclib"
> rate that ships with MESA.
> *) MESA now strictly respects max_timestep control. Previously, if you
> loaded a model that has a stored timestep greater than the requested
> max_timestep, the timestep would remain above the limit for several
> steps (since it could only shrink so much per step).
> *) Fixed check_for_redo_MLT by using mlt_mixing_type, so that it now
> functions as documented.
> *) Tweak convective zone boundary mesh controls, changing the effect
> of the convective zone boundary mesh controls xtra_coef_*_*_*_czb
> (hereafter "coef") and xtra_dist_*_*_*_czb (hereafter,
> "dist"). Previously, the meshing was adjusted by setting the value of
> delta_gval_max to be a linear blend between coef at the boundary and
> 1.0 over a length dist * Hp (measured from the boundary).
> If you try to increase the resolution near the convective boundary by
> a significant factor, the linear blend means that delta_gval_max is
> only near the specified value of coef for a distance away from the
> boundary of order coef * dist. So in practice, MESA increases the
> resolution over a significantly smaller region than you might expect.
> To fix this, the form of the blend is now a piecewise linear form
> that guarantees that delta_gval_max is near coef for at least half of
> dist.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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