[mesa-users] negative age and rotation values in "OSC" file

Juan Carlos Suárez jcsuarez at iaa.es
Thu Feb 9 13:43:11 EST 2017

Dear colleagues

I am trying to compute a 1.5 Msun evolutionary model (with solar metallicity) from PMS to TAMS approx.
We have set the options to obtain the .OSC files to be read by our oscillation codes. 

We found that for all the models the age provided has negative values.

Moreover, although no option for rotation was included in the inlist (i.e. rotation should be zero)
we obtain some models with rotation 0 but others with negative non-zero values

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!
Dr. Juan Carlos Suárez 
    Ramon y Cajal fellow at Física Teórica y del Cosmos Dept. University of Granada 
    Facultad de Ciencias. 18071. Granada. Spain
	  jcsuarez at ugr.es | +34 958249056 | www.ugr.es/~fqm292/ 
    Associate researcher at Stellar Physics Dept. IAA-CSIC
	  Glorieta de la Astronomia s/n. 18008. Granada. Spain
	  jcsuarez at iaa.es | +34 958230619 | www.iaa.es

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