[mesa-users] mesa-web usage and your version 2.0 suggestions

Frank Timmes fxt44 at mac.com
Fri Feb 3 13:30:06 EST 2017

hi mike,

thanks for the suggestion.

mesa-web currently runs on 4 cores of a central IT linux partition. 
one core for the web interface (carl's), one for the backend magic (carl's,
informed a toouch by rich's ez-web implementation), two for the actual mesa run. 

there was a time, when the compute resources were smaller, where demand 
outstripped capability. even though the demand is growing, it appears to 
not yet to exceed the capabilities of the current configuration.
or at least we haven't heard any new complaints about throughput ...


> On Feb 3, 2017, at 11:12 AM, Michal Simon <michal.simon at stonybrook.edu> wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> I just checked out mess-web.  It's MESA without tears!  What a good
> idea.  Thanks to all behind it!
> A suggestion:  In my use of MESA to calculate PMS evolutionary tracks
> I do not need models to run beyond some age, often the ZAMS.  I suggest
> that among the input parameters the user has the option to set an age at which
> to end the calculation.
> BTW, what machine is mesa-web run on and do you find the demand to be high?
> Mike
> Michal Simon
> Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and Research Professor
> Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
> Stony Brook University
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Frank Timmes <fxt44 at mac.com> wrote:
>> thanks for sharing this data.
>> a straight line by eye suggests ~8/day, about twice of mesa-web's current usage.
>> mesa-web includes a front page link to ez-web. its all good.
>>> not sure why.
>> ez-web was first to market. starting some 5 years before mesa-web
>> probably gives a user base that is comfortable with the tool.
>> ... and we can guess how much syllabi usually change from year to year ....
>> basically, mesa-web has to innovate its way to the top slot.
>> fxt
>>> On Feb 3, 2017, at 10:29 AM, RICHARD H D TOWNSEND <townsend at astro.wisc.edu> wrote:
>>> Nice plot! The fall semester ‘bump' also shows up in the EZ-Web data, and in some years the spring semester can also be seen.
>>> There’s no obvious drop-off in usage since MESA-Web came online, despite my putting a recommendation to switch over. So, there’s a segment of the ‘market’ which MESA-Web still hasn’t captured; not sure why.
>>> cheers,
>>> Rich
>>>> On Feb 2, 2017, at 3:24 PM, Frank Timmes <fxt44 at mac.com> wrote:
>>>> attached is plot showing that mesa-web, http://mesa-web.asu.edu ,
>>>> continues to grow, with a nice kick coinciding with the fall 2016 semester.
>>>> we encourage using mesa-web for your spring 2017 course or workshop
>>>> if you want/need a low-barrier option (no downloading, compiling, or command line).
>>>> we anticipate enhancing mesa-web.
>>>> while we have ideas on what would make-web even more use useful for
>>>> the education & research communities, we like to hear your suggestions!
>>>> reply to this message, or send carl or me a note.
>>>> fxt & cef
>>>> <mesa_web_4jan2017.png>
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