[mesa-users] .osc output format

Warrick Ball wball at bison.ph.bham.ac.uk
Fri Feb 3 04:05:21 EST 2017


I have some experience in writing/re-writing data between different file 
formats so I though I'd offer a few tips.

First, several formats (including .OSC) are described in this document:


which is actually mentioned in the default files around where the 
pulsation format is set.  That will at least tell you which variables are 
going into the .OSC files (although many aren't actually used in the 
oscillation calculation).

I also thought it's worth mentioning that writing the oscillation data is 
slightly delicate. First, the oscillation codes want some values that 
aren't obviously available in the profile data (e.g. the second 
derivatives of pressure and density at the centre).  Second, MESA has some 
cell-averaged variables which have to be interpolated to get the values on 
the cell boundaries, because that's what the oscillation codes expect. 
(Certainly the density, not sure about any others.)

I've personally been messing around with the oscillation model files and 
found MESA's subroutines very helpful, so this serves as another example 
of how to find out what MESA does.

For example, try searching for the control 'pulse_info_format' in the 

$ grep pulse_info_format $MESA_DIR/star/p*/*.f90
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/private/ctrls_io.f90:         pulse_info_format, &
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/private/ctrls_io.f90:         s% pulse_info_format = pulse_info_format
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/private/ctrls_io.f90:         pulse_info_format = s% pulse_info_format
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/private/profile.f90:               fname_out = trim(fname) // '.' // trim(s% pulse_info_format)
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/private/profile.f90:               call save_pulsation_info(s% id, s% pulse_info_format, &
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/public/star_lib.f90:            id, pulse_info_format, &
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/public/star_lib.f90:         character (len=*), intent(in) :: pulse_info_format
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/public/star_lib.f90:         which_format = get_pulsation_format(pulse_info_format, ierr)

Looks like the call to save_pulsation_info star/private/profile.f90 is a 
good place to start.  Let's find that subroutine directly.

$ grep subroutine\ save_pulsation_info $MESA_DIR/star/p*/*.f90
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/private/pulsation_info.f90:      subroutine save_pulsation_info( &
/home/wball/mesa/7624/star/private/pulsation_info.f90:      end subroutine save_pulsation_info

The (well-named) file star/private/pulsation_info.f90 sounds right. I've 
just looked through it myself and its various function calls will show you 
how MESA writes the pulsation info.  You have to follow a few function 
calls back and forth but ultimately nearly everything is there.

Hope that helps!


Warrick Ball
Postdoc, School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
wball at bison.ph.bham.ac.uk
+44 (0)121 414 4552

On Wed, 1 Feb 2017, URIBE MARCHANTE Jes\FAs wrote:

> Thank you, Rich!
> One additional question, do you know if it is possible to migrate the .data files into .osc format?
> Jes\FAs
> ________________________________________
> De: RICHARD H D TOWNSEND [townsend at astro.wisc.edu]
> Enviado: mi\E9rcoles, 01 de febrero de 2017 21:51
> CC: mesa-users at lists.sourceforge.net
> Asunto: Re: [mesa-users] .osc output format
> Hi Jes\FAs \97
> You need to set the following flags to the &controls namelist:
> pulse_info_format = \91OSC\92
> write_pulse_info_with_profile = .TRUE.
> cheers,
> Rich
>> On Feb 1, 2017, at 2:08 PM, URIBE MARCHANTE Jes\FAs <Jesus.URIBE at euipo.europa.eu> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I'm using MESA to produce typical .data output. Does anyone know how to get .osc format output? transform .osc into .data files?
>> thank you!
>> Jes\FAs Uribe
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