[mesa-users] Question

Bill Paxton paxton at kitp.ucsb.edu
Mon May 30 12:05:53 EDT 2016


The final model file contains only the minimum information needed to specify the structure and abundance.

The final profile model will have the basics and much more.  So you probably should be getting the information you need from that.

Most of the test cases have lines like the following in the inlist &star_job section:

      save_model_when_terminate = .true.
      save_model_filename = 'final.mod'
      write_profile_when_terminate = .true.
      filename_for_profile_when_terminate = 'final_profile.data'

The "final.mod" has what is needed to start a new run.
The "final_profile.data" has lots of information about that model.

Add to your "profile_columns.list" to add things to the profile.
See star/defaults/profile_columns.list for options you can add.
For things not built-in, use your run_star_extras to add your own.

e.g., you might pick from these

   ! average charge from ionization module
   ! average neutral fraction from ionization module


On May 29, 2016, at 11:22 PM, Liliana Novais wrote:

> Sorry for my late reply. I need to extract the abundances and ionizations of the several chemical elements from the final model. I am trying to understand where it is saved and how it is organized. But am unable to find it. I can't understand where one starts and the other ends.

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