[mesa-users] MESA is stuck after saving data for model 1 without popping up the plots!

Josiah Schwab jwschwab at berkeley.edu
Fri May 27 14:26:36 EDT 2016

Hello Lianshui,

> Yesterday I installed MESA-r8118 with the lastest SDK on my OS X EI
> Capitan without any problems, but when being tested, it was stuck at
> the point when the data of model 1 was saved. According to the
> installation video, at that moment there should be two plots popping
> up, but there was nothing happening following that point. The same
> problem showed up for other recent versions of MESA on my computer. So
> could you guys give me some advice?

This sounds like it could be a general problem with opening X11 windows.

Are you using the latest version of XQuartz?


Can other programs successfully open an X window?  What happens if you
open up an xterm and type the command xeyes ?


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