[mesa-users] The Cepheid phase

Aaron Dotter aaron.dotter at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 10:53:28 EDT 2016

Hi Hideyuki,

One way to proceed is for you to make a test_suite case that shows in
detail how you would properly model a convective He-burning core.

People can refer to that.  The test_suite both:
 i) allows everyone to make sure that each MESA installation works as
expected and
 ii) provides a place for users to make detailed examples for particular

FWIW I'm with Pablo et al. about setting default overshoot values non-zero.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Hideyuki Saio <saio at astr.tohoku.ac.jp>

> Hi,
> I would strongly oppose adding any kind of overshoot by default. This
> would likely be a source of significant confusion for many, and could
> possibly result in many publications inadvertently using overshooting
> they're unaware of. The amount of overshooting used would also be very
> arbitrary, and choosing a default would result in people using it just
> because it is a MESA default.
> In general, I agree no overshooting in default setting.
> But I think, the helium burning core is the exceptional case, in which  a
> very small amount of overshooting is essential  to obtain a realistic track.
> Please look at the attached diagram, in which each panel shows 7Msol
> cepheid phase with different value of
>    overshoot_f_above_burn_he_core
> cases of 0.0, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.005 are shown.
> Except for the case of no overshooting, I obtained very similar cepheid
> loops irrespective to the exact value of the overshooting (0.005 is
> probably too high).
> I still prefer  a default setting which produces a reasonable cepheid loop.
> Best regards,
> Hideyuki
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