[mesa-users] new parameter on make_o_ne_wd test suite

Gabriel Lauffer Ramos gabriellramos at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 09:24:07 EDT 2016

Hi Bill,

Thank you for your reply. I will take a look on the behaviour of the mixing
parameters as you said.

Thank you,

Em 26/08/2016 3:03 PM, "Bill Paxton" <paxton at kitp.ucsb.edu> escreveu:

A bit of motivation for the new D_omega scheme:  the idea is that the
rotational instabilities such as ES, ST, GSF, etc. are now treated as
source terms for the actual rotational mixing coefficient D_omega.  But
D_omega isn't simply a sum of the sources -- it has a life of it's own in
that it decays gradually in time and spreads gradually in space.  This
buffers it against the step-to-step large changes that can (and do) happen
in the sources as a result of the code taking finite size steps during
which the micro-profile of rotational stress can change dramatically.  My
hope is that the behavior of D_omega will be both more physical and more
effective computationally.  I'm of course looking forward to user comments
and suggestions.


On Aug 26, 2016, at 10:30 AM, Gabriel Lauffer Ramos wrote:

Dear mesa-users,

I'm using the test suite make_o_ne_wd and realized that there are two new
parameters added on the last mesa release (r-8845):

change_D_omega_flag = .true.
new_D_omega_flag = .true.

the addition of them make a substantial difference on the HR diagram.

On the star_job.defaults documentation it is shown the default values are
.false. but there are none explanation about the purpose of those

Could someone help me or point the direction to understand those parameters?

Kind regards,

Gabriel Lauffer Ramos

Lattes / CV <http://lattes.cnpq.br/8058160450064540>

*M.A. in Physics:*
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, RS, Brazil
Concentration: Astrophysics. Expected Graduation: 2018
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