[mesa-users] a little bug

Ehsan Moravveji e.moravveji at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 14:06:45 EDT 2016

Thanks Bill for the encouragement. 

Before you close the mlt_info.f90 file on your editor, you may perhaps consider the following two cases as well:

- At lines 983-4, the two derivatives of grada are missing:

               s% d_gradT_dlnR(k) = one_m_f*s% d_gradr_dlnR(k)
               s% d_gradT_dL(k) = one_m_f*s% d_gradr_dL(k)

I thought, perhaps, the more consistent differential of gradT requires propagating that of grada too:

               s% d_gradT_dlnR(k) = f * d_grada_dlnR + one_m_f*s% d_gradr_dlnR(k)
               s% d_gradT_dL(k) = f* d_grada_dL + one_m_f*s% d_gradr_dL(k)

Am I right or wrong here?

- Next stop is at line 922:

                  s% d_gradT_dlnTm1(k) = &
                     f*beta*s% d_eos_dlnT(i_grad_ad, k-1) + one_m_f*s% d_gradr_dlndm1(k)

would better be:

                  s% d_gradT_dlnTm1(k) = &
                     f*beta*s% d_eos_dlnT(i_grad_ad, k-1) + one_m_f*s% d_gradr_dlnTm1(k)
Perhaps, another example of how cut-paste can get us wrong. 

Thanks again,

> On 26 Aug 2016, at 18:41, Bill Paxton <paxton at kitp.ucsb.edu> wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2016, at 6:49 AM, Ehsan Moravveji wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> I hope this email finds you well.
>> I just found a little bug in mlt_info.f90, line 978:
>>                 s% d_gradT_dlnTm1(k) = s% d_gradr_dlndm1(k)
>> should be
>>                 s% d_gradT_dlnTm1(k) = s% d_gradr_dlnTm1(k)
>> MLT is important, and interesting for me ;-)
>> Kind regards,
>> Ehsan.
> Hi Ehasn,
> Thanks!  I've fixed it now.  The dangers of cut-and-paste editing is that sometimes things get forgotten -- like this one.
> I'm Cc'ing mesa-users in hopes that your effort will inspire others to find and report bugs!  ;)
> Cheers,
> Bill
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