[mesa-users] Extending MESA

Héctor MR hector.mr at pitt.edu
Thu Aug 11 16:09:07 EDT 2016

  Hi Ebraheem,

  In addition to Aaron's accurate reply, I am showing you mesa_45.net
(under $MESA_DIR/data/net_data/nets) as an example of a nuclear network
which includes li7. You can always use the &star_job command
show_net_species_info (
to ensure that you are including that lithium isotope.

    h  1  2 ! hydrogen
   he  3  4 ! helium
   *li7*      ! lithium
   be  9 10 ! berylium
    b8      ! boron
    c 12 13 ! carbon
    n 13 15 ! nitrogen
    o 14 18 ! oxygen
    f 17 19 ! fluorine
   ne 18 22 ! neon
   na 21 24 ! sodium
   mg 23 26 ! magnesium
   al 25 27 ! aluminum
   si 27 28 ! silicon
    p 30 31 ! phosphorus
    s 31 32 ! sulfur

! for NeNa cycle, must have ne20-22, na21-23
! for MgAl cycle, must have mg24-26, al25-27
! for c12+c12 reactions, must have ne20 na23, mg23
! for c12+o16 reactions, must have mg24, al27, si27
! for o16+o16 reactions, must have si28, p30, p31, s31

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