[mesa-users] Converging an AGSS05 Solar model

Farag, Ebraheem Khaled farag.11 at lanl.gov
Tue Aug 9 11:32:25 EDT 2016

Hello all,

    I'm attempting to converge an AGS05 model of the sun using the example_solar_model in the test_suite. This has worked for all other Opacities and abundances including AGSS09, GS_98, and GN_93. My current problem is that I can't seem to converge the model for the AGS05 opacities and abundances.

    I have set:

      z_frac = 5(Ags05 z fracs)

      kappa_file_prefix = 'a05+Ne'
      kappa_lowT_prefix = 'lowT_fa05_ags04' ! for lower temperatures.


Still, I can't get the correct surface abundances of 0.0165=z/x along with L =1 and R=1. The one time I got very close, the sound speeds looked nothing like I believe they should(sound_standard.png).

****Typically, after changing the Z-fracs and kappa files, I adjust the initial H1 and He4 along with he mixing length alpha to converge the model.***

Any tips?


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