[mesa-users] Run binary in MESA

Wang JT wangjt151 at 163.com
Wed Apr 20 23:03:21 EDT 2016

Dear professer

Thank you for your help!
The system I run is fedora-64, and the inlist files is in the annex.
by the way, if we set new_surface_rotation_v = 200, the mass transfer make star2 have the V_crit
 in the binary evolution, then the evolution will stop and the terminal will display as 
"stopping because of convergence problemsdt<min_timestep_limit". 
At this point, how to set the parameters that make the evolution keep runing? 
secondly,for the rotation binary star, what can I do that make timestep not too small?
Thank you!

          Wang JT

At 2016-04-20 16:30:10, "Pablo Marchant" <pamarca at gmail.com> wrote:

Wang, for us to help you need to provide more detailed information. What system are you trying to run? At what point is it failing? You also need to provide the inlist files you used.

Am 20.04.2016 4:22 vorm. schrieb "Wang JT" <wangjt151 at 163.com>:

hi !
I'm run binary evolution in MESA-r8118. The cause of the given after the stop:
show opacity info
                                                logT =          287    1.0499288907951348D+01
                                              logRho =          287   -7.5443601716448157D+01
                                                   z =          287    1.9153401893156063D-02
                                                  xh =          287    1.5447410417106316D-01
                                                  xc =          287    1.2118488231067302D-04
                                                  xo =          287    4.0451537715784156D-04
                                            lnfree_e =          287   -1.0899551164631617D+02
                                   d_lnfree_e_dlnRho =          287    2.3635123426579395D+49
                                     d_lnfree_e_dlnT =          287    0.0000000000000000D+00
                                                abar =          287    2.7603808677443542D+00
                                                zbar =          287    1.5933941391258981D+00

                                                 rho =          287    3.6007940604038125D-76
                                               lnrho =          287   -1.7371531267407352D+02
                                                   T =          287    3.1571041415825439D+10
                                                 lnT =          287    2.4175506126486503D+01
                                              logKap =          287                       NaN
                                             opacity =          287                       NaN
                                         dlnkap_dlnd =          287                       NaN
                                         dlnkap_dlnT =          287                       NaN
                                      d_opacity_dlnd =          287    2.2989629644018187D-03
                                      d_opacity_dlnT =          287    8.3474270049726573D-01

                                         kap_frac_Type2         287    0.0000000000000000D+00
                                   extra_opacity_factor         287    1.0000000000000000D+00

STOP debug1: do_kap_for_cell
DATE: 2016-04-18
TIME: 23:58:08
But I do not analyze it stop reason, so you can help me?

                                              Wang JT


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