[mesa-users] Installation Issue

Deval Mehta dmehta at udel.edu
Thu Jun 27 16:12:28 EDT 2013

I'm installing version 5118 (the current version as of June 17, 2013) and
I'm using mesasdk-x86_64-linux-20130408.tar.gz from Rich Townsend's
website.   I did not conduct the NSE test; that was something MESA did
during compilation.  When I open test_output, I see the following:

 test nse

                                       initial X_nse ye
                                top 10 by mass fraction
 ni56  = 8.9321260E-01  fe52  = 4.4575789E-02  co55  = 2.6802488E-02  ni57
 = 1.8582558E-02  fe53  = 2.8868764E-03  fe54  = 2.0546178E-03
 cr48  = 1.7573414E-03  ni58  = 1.7063975E-03  ca40  = 1.3962633E-03  co54
 = 1.3002415E-03

                                       initial X_net ye
                                top 10 by mass fraction
 ni56  = 8.8228064E-01  fe52  = 7.3094096E-02  fe54  = 3.7191342E-02  cr48
 = 2.5817438E-03  ca40  = 1.3479308E-03  he3   = 1.2024091E-03
 prot  = 9.7671656E-04  ar36  = 4.3565319E-04  s32   = 3.3998300E-04  he4
= 3.1600358E-04

                                         final X_nse ye
                                top 10 by mass fraction
 fe54  = 3.3627477E-01  ni58  = 2.3586205E-01  co55  = 1.0816064E-01  ni56
 = 8.8863943E-02  ni57  = 6.8909612E-02  co56  = 2.9412554E-02
 fe55  = 2.8712736E-02  co57  = 2.6826964E-02  ni59  = 1.4610507E-02  fe53
 = 1.2676164E-02

                                         final X_net ye
                                top 10 by mass fraction
 fe54  = 7.9513652E-01  ni56  = 1.2702046E-01  fe52  = 4.7579741E-02  fe56
 = 2.2451295E-02  cr48  = 7.4894169E-03  he4   = 8.5430149E-05
 ca40  = 8.5334791E-05  ti44  = 6.0198362E-05  ar36  = 3.7074107E-05  s32
= 3.0952770E-05


and tmp.txt renders:

 test nse

 failed in net_finish_def
 nse_init failed

I'm not sure what other information I could provide, but if there is
anything you need in order to help, please let me know.


*Deval Mehta*
*UDHP Munson Fellow 2013 - 2014
*University of Delaware Honors Class of 2016*
*Physics (Astrophysics) (BS)*
*Mathematics (BS)*
*Email: dmehta at udel.edu*
*Phone: (718) 869-6807*

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Josiah Schwab <jwschwab at berkeley.edu>wrote:

> > I'm attempting to install MESA onto Ubuntu 12.04LTS (x86_64), and MESA
> is having trouble compiling the NSE.
> Please provide more information, for example, what version of MESA is
> this?  Which version of the MESA SDK are you using?
> > /home/dmehta/mesa/nse/test
> > TEST FAILED -- compare test_output to tmp.txt
> Did you do this?  What do these files look like?
> Josiah
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