[mesa-users] Trouble With Work Directory - HELP Please!
José Pedro Pinto Vieira
up090302017 at alunos.fc.up.pt
Wed Oct 3 12:44:51 EDT 2012
I was trying to follow the "how to use MESA star" instructions
but got stuck in the making of the work directory and I'm afraid it may
be due to some "loose end" in the version I got... To begin with, there
was no README file there, but Cristina Rodriguez (from the mailing list)
who was kind enought to get me one (since I'm not sure of what is going
wrong, I'm attaching a copy of this README just in case there is
something there that is no longer correct). After editing "makefile" and
"inlist_project" and doing ./mk there was an error which seemed to be
due to a problem with the path to 'standard_run_star_extras.inc' in
'src/run_star_extras.f' (the error disappeared once I put in the
complete path). Now I'm getting a different error message, shown below.
[jvieira at supernova mesa_work]$ ./mk
gfortran -fno-range-check
-fopenmp -fbounds-check -Wuninitialized -Warray-bounds -g -ffree-form -x
f95-cpp-input -I~/disk1/mesa/include
-I/home/jvieira/disk1/mesasdk/include -c
use star_lib
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'star_lib.mod' for reading at (1):
No such file or directory
make: *** [run_star_extras.o] Error
There seems to be a problem with star_lib? What should I do?
is very appreciated.
Best regards,
José Pedro
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